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Welcome to La Ferronnerie

Welcome to La Ferronnerie. We offer 3 guest rooms in the heart of the Parc des Boucles de la Seine Normande, near Bourg-Achard, between Pont-Audemer and Rouen.

COVID-19, updated to September 13, 2020: We have strengthened the cleaning and disinfection of our rooms after each visit by our customers. The bedrooms, bathrooms and passage areas are systematically disinfected with virucide. We have installed hydroalcoholic gel in different places in our house and ask our guests to keep the mask in the house when circulating in common areas. We also have a large 3m table which can extend to 4m and 1m 10 wide. This allows us to guarantee a space of at least 1 m between each guest.

However, to keep this sufficient space, we unfortunately can no longer share meals with you and for the moment we only offer gourmet dishes served at our large table.